Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election Reflection

So.... the election is finally over. It will be such a bummer to not be bombarded with ads and facebook posts about who loves the country and how we must move forward. It's okay. It is. Post Election Depression is a common, treatable disorder. Just breathe.

Now that the decision is finished who you voted for or supported is not what matters. Obama is the Prez, and our country needs a lot of work. This election seemed to bring out a lot of negativity in my opinion. Negative ads, slanderous tweets and posts, and harsh division have surrounded this election. I didn't think such demonizing negativity was necessary or appropriate then, and it is certainly useless now. It is my sincere hope that we, as a country, can take a breather and realize that those on the other side of the aisle are not evil or ignorant. Most of us are trying to do what we think is right the best we know how. If we can just accept that simple notion, then perhaps we can respect and engage one another with dignity and hope for accomplishment.

Wouldn't it be great if facebook posts actually championed cooperation and complimented the positive work and ideas of both sides?  Wouldn't it be a huge relief (and possibly a verifiable miracle) if politicians from all parties actually sought to work with differing colleagues in order to accomplish the greatest good for the people of America? If bipartisanship wasn't trendy hot rhetoric anymore because it is merely the expected norm?

I am very interested in concerns represented on both sides of the aisle, and I am exasperated with government games like partisan bickering, manipulation, blame games, lack of transparency, and on and on. I have real issues with the whole government system, and I don't think any one president fixes them. I only hope that enough of our elected officials will stop acting like arrogant demagogues and will act like public servants so that we can actually accomplish things worth being proud of as a nation.


  1. I appreciate your post-election assessment of the campaign and how you highlight the need for greater civility, authenticity, and collaboration in the weeks, months and years ahead. We all have a role to play and can model appropriate behavior. We can identify issues that are central to the common good, and work together to demonstrate respect, compassion, and sincere caring for one another.
    You have made a good start on establishing a basis for continued dialog and sharing of ideas. Shalom, Donal

    1. Thank You for your thoughtful comment, D.E.K. I agree, and I sincerely hope that we see this take place.
